The Science Explained

What is Percussion Therapy?

A percussion massage is a type of massage that delivers a consistent series of rapid and accurate contacts with the surface of the muscle. These contacts penetrate deep into the soft tissue and promote recovery by increasing blood flow to the area, as well as increasing the range of motion in the muscle and eliminating lactic acid build up. All of which are key factors in increasing and maintaining your own performance and recovery.


Use our percussion therapy tools for a much more efficient and sustained Myofascial massage experience, the consistent and sustained nature of the pressure is very effective at loosening and lengthen constricted fascia.L and breaking down adhesion's between the tissues, improved circulation to the targeted area allowing the damaged muscle fibers to relax and re-align. The different shaped attachments means you can provide your whole body with a targeted massage, the bullet head is especially good for relieving plantar fasciitis while the forked head is great for working around the spine for relief from back and neck pain, the ball head is great for activating muscles as well as preparing them for an intense massage, the flat head is especially good at working the larger muscle groups, you will really loosen up tight hamstrings within minutes.


Releasing fascial adhesions is like clearing out the cobwebs between the muscles, allowing them to slide and glide more efficiently, which increases hydration and elimination of toxins. Myofascial release can also increases range of motion and reduce pain as well as improving recovery time, you can get an especially effective IT band massage, and in doing so freeing up your muscles to allow for easier and more effective recovery and long term performance.